MG Apparel bags the ITMF Sustainability & Innovation Award 2022
May 11, 2023MG Apparel makes the nation proud by becoming the highest rated LEED-certified company in Pakistan
Leather, textile, agriculture, retail, hospitality, poultry, and now apparel, Mahmood Group has left no stone unturned when it comes to establishing itself as one of the most innovative and sustainable exporters of Pakistan. Being the pioneer of industrial excellence for over 86 years has helped the company pave its way to becoming one of the largest exporters in the country.
With the aim of dominating the market share with sustainable practices, Mahmood Group has now stepped into the apparel sector. MG Apparel is leading by example by producing premium quality trousers that are exported globally using environmentally friendly solutions.
Taking steps to reduce carbon footprint
As a committed environmental steward, the Group has taken on numerous initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and run a sustainable business.
Across the group 23MW of solar is installed catering to the electricity needs. A few of the corporation’s commendable initiatives include effluent treatment plants, rainwater harvesting, electric vehicle charging points, smart building management systems, and Tonello machines that reduce water use by 45%.
Natural daylight provision, open green areas, and well-ventilated interior spaces are also available to ensure the well-being of the building occupants. Further, MG Apparel’s facilities are surrounded by a Miyawaki Forest that naturally filters the air.
“I am beyond elated to see the efforts of our phenomenal team and consultants bearing fruit. It is indeed the result of their hard work. It was always a dream to create an organization in South Punjab that prioritizes its workforce, creates ample employment opportunities, and gives back to the environment instead of taking from it.
We have deployed various strategies and initiatives to set a strong precedence of protecting the ecosystem whilst helping our country grow economically by enhancing our exports” – Anees Khawaja, CEO MG Apparel.
Mahmood Group has also created opportunities for the skilled labor of Southern Punjab. The organization has worked consciously for women empowerment by ensuring at least 75% of the workforce includes women.
With the sheer focus of management, qualified employees, and consultants working towards the environment, MG Apparel has now achieved LEED Platinum certification.
By complying with all the requirements needed to achieve the Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED), MG Apparel has also joined the list of top-rated LEED Platinum projects around the World.
“It is paramount for industries to take into consideration their role in endangering the planet. MG Apparel has pledged to go carbon-free by 2050 in association with NET ZERO Coalition and many other radical measures are being taken to ensure that we rise beyond just creating an excellent product and protect our non-renewable resources.” –Kehkeshan, Head of Sustainability, CSR & Business Affairs.
As the textile industry contributes significantly to environmental pollution, it is imperative that industry leaders implement sustainable practices to deal with issues such as climate crisis and global warming. More companies need to adopt sustainable practices and take action to reduce the detrimental effects of harmful industrial practices.